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The GLF 2024 diversity, inclusion and belonging content:

This year’s report is divided into four key parts.

First, it measures the progress on diversity, inclusion and belonging (DIB), highlighting the proactive steps the industry is taking towards DIB and its progress over time. Second, it presents in more detail how the industry is bridging the gap in female representation and inclusivity, detailing the tools being used and the major challenges faced.

Additionally, it presents a view on the nascent state of neurodiversity and artificial intelligence (AI) in supporting DIB goals. On neurodiversity, it provides insights on the advancements the industry has made in this regard. Then, it provides a view on the potential role artificial intelligence may have for DIB advancements.

Finally, it revisits one year on from its first focus in the 2023 GLF DIB Report the importance that reskilling and upskilling will have in the future of the telecommunications industry and assesses the steps the industry is taking towards DIB and its progression over time.


The GLF's 5th Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Report

Foreword from Marisa Trisolina - Chair of the DIB Working Group

This year’s report highlights that, whilst for most companies diversity and inclusion is a stated priority, with the exception of gender the diversity axes don’t receive a level of focus that supports this. It also finds that where companies are able to focus and where there is C-Level sponsorship, they make more progress. However, some companies still encounter difficulties in advancing gender balance at management level. The report also indicates that AI is not yet utilised for DIB purposes and reinforces, once again, the need for both upskilling and reskilling.

For the first time, in this year’s report we also look at measurement of gender diversity. It is encouraging to see that 80% of companies that responded to our survey are undertaking measurement. I hope that this number will increase over the next year, as it is only through consistent measurement that we can accurately set an aspiration and track our progress,

Since 2019, as an industry we have come a long way, but it is clear there is more to be done as we embrace technologies to support greater diversity and inclusion and tackle head-on the reskilling and upskilling challenge facing the industry.

- Marisa Trisolino, CEO, CMC Networks, and Chair, GLF Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Working Group

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