About the GLF Board

Our mission is to create networks that underpin future digital innovation based on the principles of interoperable, ubiquitous connectivity and value creation. The GLF Provides a single voice to the broader digital ecosystem and ensures alignment amongst international connectivity leaders for industry transformation.

The ITW Global Leaders’ Forum (GLF) is a Board representing a global network of leaders from the world’s largest International Carriers, who convene to discuss strategic issues and to agree collaborative activities, with the aim of upholding the principle of interoperability and ubiquitous international and technological coverage.

The international connectivity industry is a critical part of the global ecosystem, providing the backbone that enables digital services to be distributed around the world. The GLF’s primary objective is to advocate common priorities for the industry that will limit network fragmentation and improve interconnectivity so that new digital services can be delivered at scale.

Specifically, the GLF exists to:

  • Uphold the principle of interoperability and ubiquitous international technological coverage and commercial settlement
  • ​Provide a single voice to the broader digital ecosystem from what can be perceived as a fragmented section of the industry
  • Ensure alignment amongst international carrier senior executives for industry transformation

Examples of work produced by the GLF include:

  • Annual reports on Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging in Telecoms; State of Fraud in International Telecoms (voice and messaging)
  • Thought-leadership on key topics such as edge computing, softwarisation and cloud networking
  • An anti-fraud Code of Conduct (produced with the i3Forum) and an attestation process for members certify their compliancy against the Code of Conduct
  • A Code of Conduct for direct peering of critical, international IoT traffic.


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